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Journal : Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal

Tingkat Parasitisasi dan Deskripsi Parasitoid yang Memarasit Aphis gossypii (Glover) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Asal Agroekosistem Dataran Rendah dan Dataran Tinggi Sumatera Selatan Riyanto Riyanto; Siti Herlinda; Abu Umayah; Chandra Irsan
Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal : Journal of Suboptimal Lands Vol. 3 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : Research Center for Sub-optimal Lands (PUR-PLSO), Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (645.631 KB) | DOI: 10.33230/JLSO.3.1.2014.47


The parasitic level research and description of the parasitoid species which were parasitic towards Aphis gossypii (Glover) (Hemiptera : Aphididae ) origin the agroecosystem of the lowland and highland of South Sumatra has not been reported, although this information is needed as a foundation of biological control of A. gossypii in South Sumatra. The purpose of this study was to determine the parasitic level and provide information about the description of the parasitoid which were parasitic towards A. gossypii origin the agroecosystem of the lowland and highland of South Sumatra. Survey and exploration the parasitoid which were parasitic towards A. gossypii conducted at 11 sites in South Sumatra vegetable center.  The identification of parasitoid species was conducted in the laboratory of Entomology Department of the Faculty of Agriculture University of Sriwijaya. The results showed the parasitic level of Aphidius sp. and Diaeretiella rapae was higher during the dry season in both lowland and highland compared to the parasitic level of Aphelinus sp. However, Aphelinus sp. could only spread in the lowland. The main characteristics of Aphidius sp. (Aphidiidae) has shaped antennae filiform and segmented 13. The front wings have a triangular pterostigma. D. rapae, (Aphidiidae) has shaped antennae filiform and segmented 14. The front wings has a triangular pterostigma. The hind wing has a perfect basal cells. Aphelinus sp. (Aphelinidae) has an shaped goblets antennae and eight segmented and the last segments three of the antennae enlarged or club. Marginal venation long wings, while the venation postmarginal and stigma reduction. In addition there are two species of hyperparasitoid which were found to be parasitic towards parasitoid A. gossypii, were Ooencyrtus sp. and Aphiidencyrtus sp. (Encyrtidae) especially in the lowland.
Co-Authors Aaliyah Keshya Ade Gilang Rhomadon Agus PURWANTARA Ahmad Sultoni Pulungan Aisyah Fakhriyah Putri Akmal Nugroho Aksel Santoso Alfian Bustommi Andika Tiara Sukma Aprilliyah Mawarni Ardia Ayu Ars Arsi Arsi Arsi Arsi Arsi Arsi, Arsi Aulia Cindi Bambang Gunawan Bambang Gunawan Bayu Bahtiar Baihaqi Belia Yeni Bella Annisa Febrianti Bella Febriani Cesey Gresya Ginting Chandra Irsan Chandra Isran Darma Prasatya Dea Abbellia Desi Fitriyani Desriza Rahma Dani Devi Anggraini Devita Rachmatika Dhanillo Djulian Dini Wahyuni Dwiki Faraszahy Elda Adelia Elfin Meidi Erliza Rizki Sephiani Evi Romansah Faisal Arisandi Fannia Aristika Pratiwi Fauziah Nabila Figo Ardatha Sutarma Fitra Gustiar, Fitra Fuan Ambar Rahma Ginanjar Wahyu Hidayat Gunawan Ade Putra Sihite Hanny Lia Anggraini Harman Hamidson Harman Hamidson Hawaryah Istiqomah Indayani Indayani Irenius Tegar Setiawan Irmawati Irmawati Ivana Septa Mariana Jenia Carolin Julia Cassandra Prasetyo Karlinda Novita Sari Kevin Christian Bakkit P Kevin Christian BP Khodijah Khodijah KMS Kahesa Erfiari Palami Lailaturrahmi, Lailaturrahmi Laja Andriyani Liana Liana Lusi Rahmawati Lusy Triani M Alif Ghozi M Barokah Suhada M Ibrahim Zahir M Rafii F Maghfira Widya Kusuma Manila Wati Mega Zakria Ferisya Melia Zahra Meylia Ariska Miranda Miranda Mita Ameilia Monalisah Monalisah Muhamad Agus Hariyanto Muhammad Aziz Muhammad Luthfi Kusuma Muhammad Rasyid Muhammad Ryan Asrul Muhari Muhari Mukri Purnama Nasution Musliyadi Singarimbun Nabella Mevika Nabila Febriyanti Nadia Nadia Nadila Adiansyah Putri Nanda Riana Niken Ayu Sulha Nilam Naslatul Auda Nisa U Mardiyah Noviani Noviani Novitasari J Nurhayati Nurhayati Nurjannah Nurjannah Pari Yanti Phillia Aprilia Putri Aristva Rafael Ika Rahayu Rafi Andika Rahmat Pratama Rahmat Pratama, Rahmat Rama Dona Rama Doni Regina Apriani Reza Demaila Miranda Rian Adrian Riki Suranta Sembiring Riko Firmanto Riyanto Riyanto Riyanto Riyanto Rizki Ana Anisa Putri Safira Cahaya Ramadhani Safira Siti Khodijah Sakha Prawira Madya Salahuddin Alfaiz Sarah Dean Agustine Saripudin Saripudin Seviyanti Ningrahayu Shelly Novhela SHK, Suparman SITI HERLINDA Suparman SHK Suwandi Suwandi Tessia Masnita Sinaga Thosin Thosin Tia Ellisa Riyanti Tiara Aprilya Tiyas Setiawati Tria Anggraini Try Intania Uus Amelia Anggreni Uwais Arrahsal Wanda Helmi Riansyah Yanse Masliana Pakpahan Yuana Yuana YULIA PUJIASTUTI YULIA PUJIASTUTI Yuliana Yuliana Yunita Nurfadila Zaki Mubarok Zucey Uary